There are many different things that you have to think about when you are facing a criminal charge. The exact points depend on the circumstances of your case and your life. For example, we recently discussed how a criminal conviction can impact a green card holder, but these impacts don't have to be considered by a natural born citizen.
We know that every situation is unique and they must all be treated as such. We can help you evaluate each option that you have to determine what options might suit your case. We can also help you learn about why certain options might not be suitable in your case.
When you are facing a felony charge, you might be looking at time in prison and considerable fines. There are sometimes ways to minimize these possibilities, but you have to look closely at the options.
Sometimes, pretrial diversions or alternative sentences might be possible. You might consider a plea deal so that you know what type of sentence you are going to face because of the case. Ultimately, you have to make the decisions that you feel are best for your life.
You can't base the decisions that you make about your defense off of what happened with anyone else. Instead, you need to look only at what is going on with you so that you can determine what you are going to do.
Make sure that you are thinking about the comprehensive picture. You can't become so focused on minimizing the impacts now that you forget about how the choices you have will affect you in a decade or longer into the future.