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In a changing climate, knowledge of marijuana laws is essential


Laws involving the possession and use of marijuana have gradually been getting more lenient here in Connecticut and generally throughout the country. Since 2011, it is no longer a criminal offense to have under a half ounce in your possession. It is considered a civil violation and you could be fined.

It's important to remember, however, that people alleged to be growing, selling or distributing marijuana can be charged with felonies and face prison time. Those accused of possessing it near a school or day care facility can also face serious charges. If you are arrested for selling it to a minor or using a minor to sell it, you could also be charged with risking injury to a minor.

Connecticut does have legalized medical marijuana, also known as marijuana for "palliative use." In fact, just this month, state lawmakers added six new medical conditions to the list of those approved for the palliative use of marijuana.

Of course, medical marijuana is still regulated by law. Only certain doctors are allowed to certify its use for patients and only those licensed to dispense it can do so. People who have been provided with a certificate allowing them to use it are allowed to possess no more than what has been determined to be a month's supply for their needs.

Just because you are allowed to use medical marijuana, that doesn't mean that you can do so anywhere. For example, you can't legally ingest it in a moving vehicle, a public place or on school or university property (including your dorm).

If you or your child has been charged with a marijuana-related crime, it shouldn't be taken lightly, no matter how unfair you feel the charges are. Drug charges can impact a person's education and career. At The Law Office of Jerome Paun, we can work to mitigate the charges and their effect on your or your child's future. Call us or contact us online to schedule a free consultation to find out how we can help you.
